Why oh Why would I of all people ever start a blog? Well honestly it's for an english project in my foundations class and I figured this would be the best way to start writing. This is to begin my record of the next 4 semesters I have in school here at BYU-Idaho in the nursing program. To begin I will share the few adventures I've had so far this semester. They involve my Family Home Evening group. We went to the Ice Caves near the St. Anthony sand dunes twice and they were so much fun! I don't have many pictures but here are a few. This is my last roommate Aubrey, dangling off the entrance to the caves. We had to ride in the back of a truck, car thing, to get back to the main road because our little car couldn't make it off roading to the caves. This is inside the cave and after 15-20 min of spelunking, crawling and wiggling through tight spaces you end up in a big antechamber with an ice slide! This is from our second trip to the another set of caves that were much more open and didn't involve getting wet. Last fall when I went to the cave there was a dead cow at the entrence, this spring the cow is still there but less whole...
Overall that is the extent of my exciting adventures this fall but I needed a break from my current spot in the library. Oh yeah, I have a spot. Sometime rude people decide to study in my spot and I feel the need to pull a Rory Gilmore and pay them to leave, but I am a poor student so that wasn't very feasible, economically. I began the nursing program at the end of April 2010. Our first day was the Monday before classes started, it began at 8 am and ended at 4 pm. After the orientation I went home, kicked off my shoes, dragged myself up the stairs and plopped on the coach. My brain hurt from all the information that had just been shoved into my head, I sat on the couch wondering if I had made a right choice being in the nursing program. Doubts flooded my thoughts and I wondered if I was actually capable of being a nurse. Instead of automatically quitting I stuck out the program and have only regretted it a few times...but not really. I knew this program was going to be hard, but I don't think i actually thought out how hard it would be. I am awake by 6:30 am almost every morning (except Fridays, I sleep til 11 am, or Mondays I am up at 4:30 am). If I'm lucky I get home by 9:30 but usually I get home with enough time to crawl into bed and crash. It has become part of my routine and has been much easier with the whole not dating or socializing thing. Well this is all for my first official blog, more will come, generally the more posts I have will be my indicator for how much I wanted to procrastinate.