What it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ:
- Sets aside temporary needs to learn of things more eternal
- Comes unto the Savior for revelation by asking with a sincere heart
- Gives the father all that he has
- Does not covet worldly possessions
- Knows that spiritual things are more important than temporal things.
- Seeks for the kingdom of God before the world
- Waits patiently and is prepared for the second coming of the Savior
- Follows the straight and narrow and strives to be worthy to enter into the kingdom of God.
- Immediately comes when they are needed.
- Is willingly to do anything for the Savior.

There are many of these principles that I need apply more into my life but one that I think would make a big difference in my life would be if I learned to not covet worldly possession. I’m not just talking about the new shoes that I want to buy or how great a new computer would but, I’m talking about putting my temporal needs in front of spiritual. I am guilty of putting my school work ahead of my spiritual school work a lot, I think that this is because I am too focused on the next 3 months of schooling instead of what is important; eternity. I think that if I focused on the spiritual stuff a little more than the temporal stuff would fall into place.
Ultimately to become a disciple of Jesus Christ we need to follow his teachings and commandments. We need to give up everything we have, so that we can fully serve him with our might, mind, and strength. With this we will be an even better tool in the hand of the Savior bring more to His gospel. We must do this because the Savior gave everything to us, He suffered, bled, and died so we could have a chance to live with our Heavenly Father.