Saturday, May 7, 2011

Matthew 5: 1-12. The Be-attitudes

            Blessed to me is gift we receive to lead us to higher happiness. Receiving a blessings don’t come without effort, they require us to do something first. While Jesus Christ taught on the Sermon on the Mount he gave several be-attitudes for everyone to live their lives. Three specific ones that I can relate to my life are: blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, blessed are the pure in heart, and blessed are the peacemakers
            Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness: I have found in my life that when I have felt a hunger to learn about the gospel and grow closer to the savior I am becoming a better person. I am nice to those I am around and am a happier toward those around me. I hope that I can keep that hunger for the gospel always. I have had times in my past where I have forgotten about the rich blessing that come from that hunger but when I remembered again I decided to never forget.  
            Blessed are the pure in heart: I had never realized how amazing children where until I had the opportunity to work closely with them.  These are truly children of a loving Heavenly Father and were sent here to remind us of that. Children bring joy into our lives because of their wonderful purity, they have a spirit that the Savior knows is important as he said suffer the little children to “come unto me, for such is the kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 19:14).
            Blessed are the peacemakers: To become a peacemaker can be extremely difficult if we keep our hearts at war. When we decide to end this war within our hearts and become loving and accepting to all our fellowman we find a peace that keeps our hearts open to accepting promptings from the spirit and helps us draw closer to our Heavenly Father. I have noticed that when I set out to end the war in my heart and become a peacemaker I feel better about myself and less stressed in my life.

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